fractured grape wine cellars


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fractured grape wine cellars

We at the Fractured Grape have a cure for what ails you, and we support a...


I have been there before and enjoy their wine and their very pleasant manner. Stopped by last Saturday afternoon and we had wine and cheese sitting outside the store. Very relaxing break. ... highly recommend the wine and pleasant service.


On a weekend trip, my girlfriend and I wanted to visit some area wineries as this is a region we had not previously explored. Fractured Grape was the first leg of our weekend-cation and a very good choice. We arrived shortly after the shop opened at 11:00am (no judging!) and chose to indulge in a tasting that would end up being free of charge. Now, I'm completely fine if a winery chooses to charge for tastings as they are using their product and end up losing money if you don't buy anything at their store. For this reason, the free sampling was a nice gesture to get their name out there and one I appreciated greatly. The wines are very good and priced very reasonably. The thing I liked most about the selection was that they have a few "middle of the road" wines that suited the palette of both dry wine fans as well as sweet wine fans. More importantly, each wine had a cause attached to it to which a portion of the money paid for that particular wine would go to a charitable cause listed for each wine. Very nice to give to local businesses but even nicer when that business does good with the proceeds they collect. I would definitely recommend stopping by Fractured Grape and taking a bottle (or more) home with you!

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