aracaju aquarium


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aracaju aquarium

Tue-Sun 9am-9pm


I must start by saying that I am very found of the TAMAR Project. They study and help to protect the Brazilian sea animals, mainly the sea turtles, and they actually do a really good job.The Oceanario de Aracaju was supposed to be a showcase for the project. It it well planed and they have some nice and instructive diagrams and 1:1 scale replicas from sea turtles and sharks, but the tanks and the aquariums are not so nice.Ok, the tanks have the proper size for the amount of turtles and sharks and maybe that's the amount that they expected to have there, but it is not catchy. If they had someone - a researcher, a biologist - explaining about the animals, it would be more interesting. There was also a "feed the shark" attraction, and the kids were loving it, but have they really learned something from it? If not, what's the point?The aquariums are inside the main building. The open ones are really cool, I even took some nice pictures. The other ones had a very blurry glass and it was not nice to look. A few of them were very clear and it was very clear to notice the difference! Again, maybe if they had a biologist explaining about the sea creatures it would be more interesting.I think that this it the main point here: they want to show people what they do and make people understand the importance of preserving the sea turtles and the other creatures. They have a small but good structure, and what is really missing is the education. Ok, true, they have diagrams and replicas, but again, it is not catchy. If they could just change that, it would be great.Well, should you visit it? YES. Why? Their job is very important for the preservation of the planet sea fauna and when you collaborate with the project you are enabling them to sustain the project, the isolated bases, the researches an so one.The even have a nice shop at the end! If I talked you into not visiting, my bad, but please, at least visit their shop, it is really nice and all their income also goes for the TAMAR Project funding.Hope you enjoyed!Cheers!


Not much there, it will take you about 30 mins to get through everything. Try to go there when they have feeding or something else interesting if you want to spend more time there.I only went because I like supporting environmental projects. It wasn't really worth the 14 reals, but it was fun for a short time. i think we spent about an hour there, but only because I like watching fish swim around. We went at dusk and got bitten by mosquitoes.


The aquarium is rather small when compared to the biggest aquariums in the world. A big glass tank has nice fishes and sometimes turtles. Going to the aquarium you will be supporting the Tamar project that protects the sea turtles in Brazil. It is cheap and it is worth a quick visit.


A few tanks with interesting animals taken from the state coastline. Staff are knowledgeable and helpful, but we found everything very basic.One can see everything in half an hour.


With representatives of local marine fauna worth visiting. It is small but well organized. If you like marine life no longer ir.Tem restaurants around. On the beach. Good ride.


It is worth the visit. This is part of the TAMAR project involved in preservation of turtles.


This is the only review in english so far, so I'm going to say a lot. The place is not very very big like the aquariums in the USA or Europe, but has a lot to show to us, visitors. You have to pay to enter but isn't much, just ten "reais" (the brazilian currency) if you are an adult, and five if you are a kid or an old person(5 dollars if you are an adult and 3 dollars if you are a kid). The aquarium has seventy species distributed in five tanks of fresh water and thirteen tanks of salt water. It has three big tanks, the shark's tank, thee ocean tank (it's the bigger one, with 30 species inside) and the sea turtles's tank. It has a tank where you can touch in some crabs and lobsters with the help of a monitor. You can see great fishes with more than 300 pounds, stingrays, sea horses and moreys too. The best hour to go is at 4:30 P.M., is when the monitors give food to the animals, and when they give food to the sharks you can touch them just a litte bit. The place also serves as a reabilitation center to sick turtles. It's open from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.. A very good tourist attraction. Oh, I almost forgot... If you look at google earth or any other satelite image, you're gonna see that the aquarium has the shape of a turtle.


Interessante e educativo. Não é muito grande mas tem diversas espécies de peixes e tartarugas. Tem 2 tubarões que dá para ver bem de perto. Ótimo para as crianças.


Lugar muito interessante, com atrações bem agradáveis e tudo muito limpo e organizado!!!!! Vale a pena a visita.


A entrada custa 14 e 7 reais, inteira e meia. A unica coisa bacana foi ver os instrutores alimentando os bichos e poder pegar no tubarão. De resto, passo.


O hotel que fiquei, era próximo do Oceanário. Então deu prá ir a pé, observando as belezas da orla de Atalaia. O Oceanário é um lugar magnífico. Nunca me imaginei tocando em tubarões e isso foi possível lá. Uma experiência e tanto. Destaque também para as arraias que são lindas e vê-las se alimentando foi muito legal e divertido. As tartarugas marinhas também são muito lindas.Vale a pena o passeio.


Qualquer vitrine do projeto Tamar merece todo respeito, pelo trabalho realizado. Este oceanario tem aditivos, um tanque de tubarões lixa onde é possível ver alimentação e tocar os tubarões, além de aquários muito bem montados. Vale o passeio em Aracaju


Construído no formato de uma tartaruga gigante e instalado na praia da Atalaia, oferecem visitas com monitores e exposições. Excelente passeio!


eu que adoro agua e animais aquaticos e sou mergulhador, esse lugar pra mim é otimo transmite uma paz legal


Muito bonito, com uma grande quantidade de peixes grandes que podemos ver bem de perto. Um bom passeio para crianças em idade escolar.

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