aratiatia rapids


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aratiatia rapids











First time seeing a dry river get completely filled up. A mesmerizing experience indeed, watching the water fight to gush out into the river once the sluice gates are opened, becoming said Aratiatia Rapids. Only slight issue was that the road/bridge was built over the rapids, which means you'd only have a one-sided view at any one time (i.e. either you see the water flowing in from the sluice gates, or you see the river getting filled up, not both simultaneously). People were constantly crossing the road to get different perspectives.


Walk to one of the viewing platforms for a spectacular view of the rapids created when the dam gate are opened 2 hrly 10am to 4pm. The power is awesome


Worth waiting to see the sluice gates opening ( set times so easy to plan ) and the rapids transforming.


This is the 2nd time I've been (the first being 15 years ago) and I was keen to show my wife the dam being opened. It's still as spectacular as I remember it. Be there early to watch the trickle become a raging torrent of water. HINT - if you don't fancy the 10 minute walk up to the upper viewing platform then drive past the main car park and you will find another a few hundred yards further on that cuts the walk in half. Well worth seeing.


This reservoir and dam were worth visiting and the gates were opened every 2 hours from 10am. The resulting Rapids were spectacular and roared through the nearby gorge and countryside. Very impressive and it cost nothing!


Each day, at 10am, noon 2.00pm and 4.00pm the authorities release water…seems like a lake-full, from the reservoir and the gentle stream meandering through the gorge becomes a rapid raging torrent. It is truly spectacular and provides a great camera sequence for sure. A few well signposted kilometres downstream from Huka Falls, the rapids are definitely worth a visit and are also the site of the Huka Falls cruise ($37 for one and a half hour cruise upstream). Parking is easy for both attractions. A relatively easy 350 or 850 metre stroll from the main road there are two separate good safe viewing points, although the bridge itself provides for those unable to walk over the roughish terrain. Include a visit in your tour, and allow at least a half hour drive from leaving Taupo. Try to time it to coincide with the sirens sounding at roughly 8 and 4 minutes before the water is released; you will not be disappointed.


Watching the water raging through the narrow gorge is amazing. For the best experience make sure you get to the viewing platforms (5-10 minutes walk from the car park) before they open the gates so you can watch as the trickling stream becomes a raging torrent in just a few minutes. The waters are only allowed to flow for 15 minutes at set times during the day.


Free. Very interesting with great sights. Good way to fillover 30minutes of your time. You can see in the distance the huka jet plus huka cruise boat.


Stunning turquoise water gushing down the river when the gates have opened. Worth popping by at 10, 12, 2 or 4pm. Lovely walk along the riverbed to see the rapids from different viewpoints too - wear good walking shoes.


great to watch for adults and kidsdo not miss seeing thisreally spectacular and afterwards you appreciate what may lie beneath a river


When the Aratiatia hydro dam was built, my mother was appalled that a natural beauty would be destroyed forever. But the design was such that the rapids come to life at set times of the day as water is released down the spillway and into the narrow, rocky gorge. Best viewing is from the top lookout - accessed by taking a short bush walk to a viewing platform situated downstream but high enough so you can see the whole rapid below. There is a mid view point for those who cannot walk too far.Sad that my mother never did see the rapids.

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