开放时间: 暂无
没有一般中国景区的丑陋商场建筑,只有一个小小的石碑在门口,买票的办公室在地底下,造成一种宁静的氛围,终于,见到一个 Less is More 的优雅设计。讲解(录音带)还不错,很值得在慢慢的走一走,想像一下西域交通的重要城镇/国家的盛况,对比今日的颓顷的遗迹。去的时候,刚好碰上世界文化遗产协会的人隔天要来检查,洗手间干净的不得了,感动~ 希望将来仍然能维持。
Not a compact site like the Turpan city, but remnants over a big, flat, rough area. One part has pathways being built and is fenced off for the moment, but other parts nearby are accessible. Not worth a day trip, but interesting as a stop off. When the pathways are finished and signage put in, it will probably cost real money. It may be combined with the huge new museum designed for tour buses, which costs about 56 RMB to go in. Not knowing if there was any English, we opted for eating in Jimsar instead. A row of Uighur BBQ's on the main highway beckoned us.